Consultant Anaesthetist
MBBS (Ilorin), DA (WACS), FMCA (Nig), Cardiac anaesthesia (Cert India)
Born on March 31, 1971, an indigene of Enugu state, Nigeria. Attended the University of Ilorin Kwara state and graduated with the M.B,B.S degree in March 1997. I undertook postgraduate medical education and obtained Fellowship of the Medical College of Anaesthesia. Nigeria (FMCA) in November 2006. I was appointed Lecturer-1 with the Department of Anaesthesia in 2007 and became senior lecturer in 2010. I was the Acting Head of Department of Anaesthesia in 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 academic session. I have more than 25 Publications in Peer-review Journals. My special interest is in cardiac anaesthesia, intensive care medicine and airway management.
MOBILE: 08065647285