Senior Lecturer






     (a)    Primary:         Air Force Primary School, Enugu. (1977-1981)




     (b)    Secondary:       Queen’s School, Enugu (1981-1986)




     (c)    Tertiary:          University of Nigeria Nsukka (1986)            




     (d)    Year of Graduation from Medical School:   Dec 1995




     (e)    Residency Programme in the Department of Radiation Medicine,


           University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu.   (1999-2005)






A.  Musculoskeletal Radiology                       


B.  Breast Radiology                    






1. Nigeria Medical Association (NMA)


2. Medical Women Association of Nigeria (MWAN)


3. Medical and Dental Consultant Association of Nigeria (MDCAN)


4. Association of Radiologist in Nigeria (ARIN)


5. Association of Radiologist of West Africa (ARAWA)


6. Academic staff union of Nigeria University (ASUU)


7. Association of Catholic Medical Practitioners of Nigeria (ACMPN) Enugu chapter


8. Member of the Foundation for the Awareness of osteoporosis.




                        WORK EXPERIENCE


1.  Housemanship in University of Nigeria teaching hospital Enugu 1996-1997


2.  Medical officer at Mother of Christ Specialist Hospital Enugu 1997


3. National Youth service NYSC at Ntasi Obi Ndi No N’ Afufu Specialist Hospital Enugu   1997-1998


4. Medical officer at Ntasi Obi Ndi No N’ Afufu Specialist Hospital Enugu 1998-1999


5.  Residency programme in Radiology UNTH Enugu 1999-2004.


6. Assistant chief resident doctor in the department 2003-2004.


7.  Chief Resident Doctor of the Dept of Radiation Medicine 2004.


8. Secretary LOC, for the 42nd Annual Scientific Conference of the Association of Radiologist of West African ARAWA 27th-28th May 2004, Enugu.


9. Lecturer 1 in the Dept of Radiation Medicine, College of Medicine UNEC 5th April 2005


10. Honorary Consultant Radiologist in the Dept of Radiation Medicine UNTH Enugu 20th April 2005 till date.


9. Member LOC 2nd summit on Medical education south-east zone organized by the College of Medicine UNEC 22-23 Aug 2005


10. Member of the committee on 'the renumerations of salaries of Part-time lecturers' in the University of Nigeria. 2008


11. Part- time Radiologist in Niger Foundation Specialist Hospital Enugu 2005-2009.


12.  Treasurer LOC, for the 51st Annual Scientific Conference of the Association of Radiologists of West Africa ARAWA conference  25th-27th June 2013, Enugu


13.  Chairman, Publicity sub-committee for the 9th International Scientific Conference and annual general meeting  of the Association of Catholic Medical Practitioners of Nigeria 3rd-6th July 2014, Enugu.


14.  Treasurer of the Association of Radiologists of West Africa (ARAWA) 2013 - 2015


15.  Member of the LOC for the update course on ‘Respiratory Radiology’ of the National Post graduate Medical College of Nigeria 11th -13th March 2015, ESUT Packlane hospital, Enugu.


16. Senior Lecturer in the College of Medicine, Ituku Ozalla Enugu Oct 2015


17.  Member, Renewal energy committee of the University of Nigeria 2016 till date


18.  Member, committee on Post Graduate studies of the College of Medicine University of Nigeria Ituku Ozalla. 2016 till date






(1)      Ezeofor SN, Obikili EN, Anyanwu GE, Onuh AC, Mgbor SO. Sonographic Assessment of The Normal Limits of The Spleen In Healthy School Children In South-East Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice Niger J Clin Pract 2014; 17(4):  484-8


(2)  Ezeofor SN, Anyanwu GE, Obikili EN. Sonographic Evaluation of Normal Liver Sizes Of School Children In South-East Nigeria. Annals Of Bioanthropology 2014;2(1): 29-33


(3) Okere PCN, Ezeofor SN, Iloanusi NI, Ibinaiye PO, Okoye IJ Sonographic Analysis Of Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease: Retrospective Data From South East Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice (Niger J Clin Pract) 2015; 18(2): 178-82


(4)  Adiri CO, Anyanwu GE, Agwuna KK,  Obikili EN, Ezugworie OJ, AGU AU,  Nto J,  Ezeofor SN. Use of fetal biometry in the assessment of gestational age in South East Nigeria: femur length and biparietal diameter. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice, Niger J Clin Prac 2015;18(4):477-482        


(5) Nzegwu MA, Osuagwu CC, Machembarrena JM, Ezeofor SN, Picardo NGA, Emegakor C, Odiakosa T. Familial Adenomatous Polyposis Complicated With An Invasive Colo-Rectal Adenocarcinoma In A 26-Year Old Nigerian Male – A Rare Finding. European Journal of Cancer Care 2007; 16(2); 198-200


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