Items filtered by date: October 2019
Thursday, 31 October 2019 01:11


OFN Ozoemena, J C Okafor, Andrew Osuigwe. Pattern of Road Traffic Accidents and Emergency Management, J. Coll. Med, June 1999 4 (1): 27 – 30.


AN Osuigwe, OFN Ozoemena, JC Okafor. Management of Mass Casualty; How prepared are our Tertiary Health Institutions? Niger. Med J. 2000 38(1): 24 – 26.


OFN Ozoemena. Serial Catheter Dilatation versus Intermittent Bouginage in the Management of Urethral Stricture. J. Coll. Med.  2000 6(1): 25 – 25.


OFN Ozoemena, AU Mbah, SO Mgboh, WIB Onuigbo. Gastro-Intestinal Kaposi’s Sarcoma presenting in a Nigerian African with HIV/ AIDS.


Oyiogu FN, Anthony Mbah. The Incidence of External Male genital defects in Enugu State of Nigeria: An estimate based on prevalence among secondary school students. Orient Journal of Medicine, July – December 2006 18(1&2): 43 -49.

Published in Surgery
Thursday, 31 October 2019 00:57

Maiduguri Teaching Hospital

     Ezimah-Nto U. A., , Obeagu, E. I., , Ezimah, C. O., Nto, J. and Ezimah, A. C. U. (2018)  Antioxidants in the Management of Human Immuodeficiency Virus Infection. J HIV Retrovirus. Vol 4. No.2:12


Ezimah, A. C.U., Obeagu, E. I., Nyong, M. I., Ezimah, U. A. and  Ezimah C. O. (2016) Relation between Maternal Haematocrit and Serum Iron Concentration in Different Stages of Pregnancy. World J. Biol. Med. Science. Volume 3 (3), 27-38,


Ezimah, U. A., Obeagu, E. I., Ezimah, C. O., Ezimah, A. and Nto, N. J. (2016) Diarrhoeal diseases of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome stimulate more depletion of total antioxidant status. Int. J. Adv. Multidiscip. Res. 3(4): 23-25. SOI:


Ezimah, A. C. U.,Obeagu, E. I., Asur, A., Ezimah, U. A. and Ezimah. C O. (2016). Absolute platelet count in adult patients with musculoskeletal pain: Current perspectives. Int. J. Curr. Res. Med. Sci. 2(2): 30-37.


Ezimah, A. C. U., Obeagu, E. I., Ahmed, H., Ezimah, U. A. and Ezimah, C. (2016). The prognostic significance of neutrophil polymorph and band counts in under-five children with sepsis in University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital. Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. 3(3): 68-74. SOI:

Published in Chemical Pathology

Szakmany T, Ditai J, Kirov M, Protsenko D, Osinaike B, Venaraj A, Demartines N, Hubner M, Pearse R, and Prowle JR on behalf the International Surgical Outcomes Study (ISOS) group. In-hospital clinical outcomes after upper gastrointestinal surgery: Data from an international observational study. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2017 Aug 18. pii: S0748-7983(17)30630-3.


Nwankwo TO, Obioha KCE, Aniebue UU, Obioha JO, Onyeka T, Okereke-Davids C. Physicians Disposition to Active/Passive Euthanasia in Nigeria: A Survey of Doctors in Enugu, Nigeria.J Clin Obstet Gynecol Infertil 2017; 1(2): 1 – 6.


Published in Anaesthesia

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